Woodham Burn Community Primary School

Mighty Oaks From Little Acorns Grow

School Admissions

Parents requesting entry to Woodham Burn Community Primary School for their child may do so by contacting the Local Authority.  

You can do this via the following link: https://www.durham.gov.uk/schooladmissions  or contacting Durham County Council School Admissions, Tel 03000 265 896, or in writing at School Places and Admissions, Children and Young People's Services, County Hall, Durham, County Durham, United Kingdom, DH1 5UJ.


Appropriate entry forms in accordance with the admission policy of the LA will then be completed by the parent and returned online in accordance with LA policy.


Parents are welcome to visit the school during the school day, prior to their child’s admission. It is necessary to contact the school office.




Below is a link for parents to apply for 2-year funding now called play and learn funding. It can be used in our nursery from the day of the child's 3rd. birthday (known as a rising 3-year placement). If parent/parents are not eligible for this, they receive will their child's 15 hours funding, the term after their child's 3rd birthday. 

A parent can check eligibility through the Parent Portal here: https://education.durham.gov.uk/SynergyWeb/Parents/default.aspx


Once an account is created and child's details have been added, the parent can carry out an EY check – the system will let the parent know immediately whether or not their child is eligible.


Below is the link for parents to follow if they think they may be eligible for 30-hour childcare.  (we could also add the list of eligibility criteria to encourage parents to check).

I add it to tapestry when children start with us but it would be useful on the school site if we are able to. 




Applying for a school place if your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan or a Statement of SEN

Children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (or Statement of Special Education Needs) follow a different admission and transfer process for a new school. Please continue to complete Durham County Council’s parental preference form, as part of the admission process to a new school. You continue to have a right to request a particular school and this will be considered alongside the information that we have about your child’s special educational needs. The information would have been provided as part of the Education, Health and Care assessment or following the review meeting.

If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.

Appeals guidance


Woodham Burn Community Primary School

Mighty Oaks From Little Acorns Grow

School Admissions

Parents requesting entry to Woodham Burn Community Primary School for their child may do so by contacting the Local Authority.  

You can do this via the following link: https://www.durham.gov.uk/schooladmissions  or contacting Durham County Council School Admissions, Tel 03000 265 896, or in writing at School Places and Admissions, Children and Young People's Services, County Hall, Durham, County Durham, United Kingdom, DH1 5UJ.


Appropriate entry forms in accordance with the admission policy of the LA will then be completed by the parent and returned online in accordance with LA policy.


Parents are welcome to visit the school during the school day, prior to their child’s admission. It is necessary to contact the school office.




Below is a link for parents to apply for 2-year funding now called play and learn funding. It can be used in our nursery from the day of the child's 3rd. birthday (known as a rising 3-year placement). If parent/parents are not eligible for this, they receive will their child's 15 hours funding, the term after their child's 3rd birthday. 

A parent can check eligibility through the Parent Portal here: https://education.durham.gov.uk/SynergyWeb/Parents/default.aspx


Once an account is created and child's details have been added, the parent can carry out an EY check – the system will let the parent know immediately whether or not their child is eligible.


Below is the link for parents to follow if they think they may be eligible for 30-hour childcare.  (we could also add the list of eligibility criteria to encourage parents to check).

I add it to tapestry when children start with us but it would be useful on the school site if we are able to. 




Applying for a school place if your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan or a Statement of SEN

Children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (or Statement of Special Education Needs) follow a different admission and transfer process for a new school. Please continue to complete Durham County Council’s parental preference form, as part of the admission process to a new school. You continue to have a right to request a particular school and this will be considered alongside the information that we have about your child’s special educational needs. The information would have been provided as part of the Education, Health and Care assessment or following the review meeting.

If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.

Appeals guidance
